Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011

Hey Mom and Dad,
Life is going good here lately. Elder Wang is really cool. He's funny as heck, I tell you what. In England there are dog turds all over the foot paths around rivers and stuff and yesterday we were walking down there in the dark and all of the sudden I hear (in a funny Chinese accent) "Dammit! I step in dog crap! I hate dog! This why I eat them!" It was flipping hilarious. We haven't found any Chinese students yet but we're working on it.
Alexandra accepted a baptismal date for March 18th yesterday so we're really happy for that. Now we just have to finish up teaching her and everything and it'll all be good I think. I'm excited for that. Alexandra is really cool.
Elder Von Brughan is doing alot better from what I understand. We went and visited him in Leicester on Friday and he got up and talked to us for a few minutes. He doesn't have much of a short term memory at the moment but they said it's improving a bit every day so that's good. President said it'll be pretty tough for him to stay on a mission unless he has some sort of miracle happen and he recovers very quickly. We did a mission fast for him last week and that was when he started to really make some progress so hopefully a miracle is on the way.
I haven't had much trouble with Blake's year mark coming up yet but looking at the calendar still haunts me a bit. I'm not very excited for the day to come. I wish we had a temple I could go visit in our mission. That would make things alot easier to deal with I think.
Me and Elder Bedke get along really well, he's the one from Oakley. You'll have to meet him when I get back. He said he's coming down for my homecoming so you'll get to meet him there I'm sure. I can't hardly imagine Grandpa Max screwing up his name when he talked to Uncle Gary, lol. That wouldn't never happen ;-).
As far as you guys coming over I don't think we'll have much time after I'm done so you guys can go look at London and I'll see it when I come back in a few years' time. And I already bought myself some trousers but I do need some shoes so if you could help me out I would appreciate it alot. Mine have had the weiner. Anyways I better get going now. I love you both.
Love, Brice

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