Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010

Hey Mom and Dad,
First off I'll answer the questions you guys have. You are correct that everything is not fine and dandy every single day out here but the reason I tell you that all is fine is because on the average everything is fine. I'm not just withholding information for the sake of it or something lol. We're doing good still so don't worry about us. Sharon hasn't gotten baptized yet her date was moved back a week so her daughter can get baptized the same day so we're really happy for that. Her two boys aren't too interested at the moment but maybe later in time they will be. We'll have to see. I got your package and I loved all of it thank you so much. We ate the pancakes already and they were amazing. I did send a thank you card to Maili two weeks ago for entering me in the bike contest so it should have already gotten there.  I'm happy to be here in Redditch still. I get settled in areas and I don't like to move much so I don't mind getting left in an area for a long time. I'm not training Elder Christiansen but he's been out for 3 months so I'm his second companion. He went to Copper Hills High School back home so you'll have to speak to Lola and see if she knows him haha. Knowing her she very well might.
Sister Isherwood told me she had a chat with you on Facebook yesterday.  But ya she wouldn't tell me what you guys talked about she just kept saying "Mum things" haha. But it sounds like it was good so that's cool. The Isherwoods are awesome.
I liked your Austin Powers story Mom lol. That was pretty funny I'm not gonna lie. That sounds like a Blake story if I've ever heard one. And it sounds like Kim and Sue are having a grand old time in the medical department lately lol. What the heck?
If grandma ever gets a chance to meet that person again you should have her ask which ward they were in. If her mother was over the primary in the Birmingham area she must have been in the Birmingham stake. That was probably back when Redditch was a branch too if there weren't any missionaries here. That's crazy. Small world indeed.
Thanks for letting me know that you go down to be with Blake, Dad. It really means alot to me that he gets a bit of company down there. He liked nothing better than to sit around with a pop and have a nice chat. And to tell some good stories about stuff we used to do. That was his favorite. The best was talking about hunting with Grandpa Max. I think that was one of his favorite stories of all time. That one never got old lol.
I'm glad you liked the pictures as well. It's amazing how everything out here greens up when it rains. It's rained a bit here and there lately but all in all it hasn't been too bad. It's starting to cool off a bit but then we still get a few of the hot days here and there. The worst is when it rains and then the sun comes out and it gets hot. Then it's just flipping humid. 
Anyways I better get rolling now cuz I'm about out of time. I love you both. Talk to you later. Love, Elder Brice Anderson.

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